Data Therapy schedule

Data Therapy sessions are 60 minute sessions held bi-weekly at Storrs and are currently focused on specific analytical goals (HPC,RNA-Seq, metagenomics, ChiP-Seq, etc).  Future sessions may also include internal and external research talks as well as demos on basic computational skills (Unix, Python, etc).  Check out the schedule below and plan to join us bi-weekly on Fridays at 10:30am in ESB (shiny new building!, between Chemistry and PBB), room 304.   Cannot make in person or Don’t want to leave your office?  You can join us via the web conference follow the link Bring along your questions and issues.


Topic for Discussion

Nov-8-2019 Xanadu cluster : Basic Introduction
Nov-22-2019 Xanadu cluster : Interactive session
Dec-6-2019 Xanadu cluster : Resource request
Dec-20-2019 Xanadu cluster : Data compression
Jan-10-2020 Xanadu cluster : Data/File Transfer
Jan-24-2020 Xanadu cluster : Python & R package installation
Feb-7-2020 Xanadu Introduction
Feb-21-2020 RNAseq Analysis workflow (Overview)
Mar-6-2020 Read Aligners
Mar-20-2020 DESeq2 : Outline
Apr-3-2020 DESeq2 : Data Normalisation
Apr-17-2020 edgeR : Outline
May-1-2020 edgeR: Data normalisation
May-15-2020 NOIseq
May-29-2020 ChIP-Seq : workflow
June-12-2020 ATAC-Seq: Workflow
June-26-2020 MACs2 : ChIPseq peak calling
July-10-2020 Single cell vs Bulk RNA-seq
July-24-2020 CellRanger :  Single cell preliminary analysis
Aug-7-2020 IPA : Data Upload
Aug-21-2020 IPA: Data Visualisation
Sept-4-2020 IPA: Data interpretation
Sept-18-2020 GSEA
Sept-25-2020 G: profiler
Oct-9-2020 BioMart
Oct-23-2020 Samtools
Nov-6-2020 GATK : Overview
Nov-20-2020 FreeBayes (Variant detection)
Dec-4-2020 Cytoscape
Dec-18-2020 Transcriptome assembly